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Dear patrons, it gives me immense pleasure to connect with all you people.
"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन, सर्वे सन्तु निरामया"
sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ, sarve santu niramayah

Be happy, Be healthy.

The seed germinated in me to bring a change in the eating habits of people and see how they feel about themselves and the concept of Salivate evolved. Sourcing local fresh veggies and garnering them with flavours and making them palatable, even though the vegetables are separated from the plant, we fundamentally believe that leaves and vegetables are still full of life and waiting to energize the person who consumes. The law of nature "once grown have to be useful for others". Be happy and make others happy too.

At Nextwebi Bites, we guarantee fulfilment by heart and bringing out the positive energy within yourself. The concept and the presentation are global, 'thought' is very local. Concreting the philosophy, consume what is grown near you and co-existing with mother nature. Driving the ethos of eating healthy and adding more days to your life, we embark on a journey to mix and match ingredients and see what comes out as the best possible combination. Our salads are true to its name, your saliva oozes out before you consume and once it's inside it safeguards every aspect of your body. Vegetables provide crucial nutrients for your body including antioxidant vitamins A and C, potassium, iron and an array of phytonutrients which are natural plant compounds that can help prevent and fight disease.

Nextwebi Bites

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Salad as a meal - What you eat is what defines you.

Primarily plant-based food freshly sourced from nearby farms. Simple balanced nutritious international foods filled with abundance goodness. Ranging from salads, sumptuous soups, International Mini entrees , Gourmet sandwiches, wraps, rolls and burger.

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Madhura sweets

Traditional sweets and savouries – Grandmother recipes

Forgotten recipes made with un-refined sugar in the form of Jaggery, palm sugar or kandasari sugar and Ghee. Natural flavors used and all the dessert are only made to order. The savouries are made with cold pressed sunflower oil.

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Mille – Feuille

Beyond desserts – Take a bite into guilt free eating

International desserts made with un-refined flour or whole grain flour. Natural ingredients are used. Kandasari sugar or demerara sugar is the sweetener . Some of our desserts are bottled as single portions, it can be refrigerated after single use.