For customization and demo please contact us at or +91 9980805199

Nextwebi Bites website

Create an interactive, multilingual, and feature-rich custom ecommerce website that includes custom functionalities to address your business requirements.

  • Bulk data management with backup features
  • Add and manage products according to the availability
  • Easy order and transaction management
  • Easy property and price management
  • Promote seasonal discounts and offers


  • Mobile-First Approach
  • A built-in OTP varification to verify and capture leads.
  • Experience the conversion-friendly mobile user interface
  • Custom UI as per your requirement
  • Flexibility and Scalability
  • Customized & feature-rich application
  • Not dependent on the plugin
  • Higher security
  • On-Time Pyment Estimation
  • No unwanted code high performance on SEO
  • The lightweight site gives better ad rank on Google Adwords, Social & digital marketing
  • Conversion-focused custom business workflow

Significant Modules of the Application For Front End Users, Website Visitors.

User Registration
  • User registration and login functionality.
  • User profiles with order history, and delivery addresses.
Menu Display
  • Ability to add items to a cart for easy ordering.
  • Interactive and easily navigable menus with prices.
  • Dietary information and customization options (e.g., gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan).
Ordering and Checkout
  • User-friendly shopping cart with item summaries and quantities.
  • Secure and streamlined checkout process with multiple payment options.
Mobile Responsiveness
  • A mobile-responsive design for easy access on smartphones and tablets.
  • A dedicated mobile app for enhanced user experience(if needed).
Social Sharing
  • Social media sharing buttons on food listings.
  • Integration with social media platforms to share foods and reviews.
Lead Generation
  • Contact forms on listings and other pages for inquiries.
  • Lead capture forms for potential buyers.
Scalability and Performance
  • A scalable architecture to handle increasing traffic and orders.
  • Fast loading times and minimal downtime.
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Admin Panel

Menu and Inventory Management
  • Ability to edit menu items, descriptions, prices, and availability.
  • Bulk upload option for multiple items.
  • Featured food item management for promotions.
  • Inventory tracking and alerts for out-of-stock items.
Order Management
  • View and manage all incoming orders in real-time.
  • Accept, reject, or modify orders as needed.
  • Communicate with customers and delivery drivers through the platform.
Content Management
  • Easy-to-use CMS for adding, editing, and deleting website content.
  • Blog post management for publishing articles.
Lead Management
  • View and respond to user inquiries and leads.
  • Lead tracking and conversion monitoring.
  • Export lead data for further analysis.
Analytics and Reporting
  • Dashboard with website performance metrics.
  • Reports on user activity, property views, and leads generated.
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